Thursday, May 21, 2009

213. I believe in angels.

I've been going crazy with editing all my pictures cause, obviously, boredom has been having me in it's grasps for the past eternity. What would I do without you, oh beautiful (but slightly retarded) camera?

Anyway, moral was the shits. It was the most funniest and stupid papers I've ever taken, cause I don't think there's a moral value if you build hidroelectrical dams for the community. I don't even think there's a moral value for hydroelectric.

The day is also sucky because I woke up late today, and eventually couldn't sleep through the 2 and a half hours of mind numbingly boring moral paper because I had already slept to much. So, I started writing snippets of what I was thinking of at that time onto the paper, which is eventually going to be marked by Ms. Bindu, and when I get back the paper, I will get 100 boost marks for writing so good english.

Not =.=

Today was an averagely sucky day, considering that Kris Allen won American Idol, it had just made the whole day a little bit worse.

A little bit. Teeny weeny little bit.

But still, worst.

Creepy Nicole.

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