Monday, April 20, 2009

188. FRED.

Elle' says:
fine =.=
oh yeah
just now wei shen called
and he was like
can I speak to sheng yang?
and I was like
and he was like
can I speak to sheng yang?
he was like
and I was like what?
and then he was like hmm
then I was like
are you wei shen..
then he was like yes?
then I was like
I am elle.
and he was like


I have a really big fat problem that is squishing my little brain into little, miniscule bite size pieces. Free samples, anyone? Anyway, today has been exceedingly unproductive, and dreary. I don’t know why me and sleep are best buddies now. It creeps me out.


My biggest problem now would be with dance. Fuck exams, they can run off with their papers skirts between their staplers. We're not done with choreo and stuff. But it's all good I guess. And hopefully we can sneak out the Class Test excuse to postpone the Prelims so we've got more time to do stuff (:


Lazy, tired of not studying and flunking my tests. Yikes for tmrw.

PS: Forget about my title. Just HEEEEE in the moment kinda thing.

PPS: Fred is GAY.

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