We apologize to everyone on the fan page on behalf of the childish, immature, reckless, selfish, idiotic, irresponsible, silly, self-indulgent, sissy, foolish, babyish, infantile, juvenile, puerile, silly excuse of a crew member.
We've made alterations to the order and the number of crew members. And the only way this crew, or any crew for that matter, would work, is if the amount of respect given, is the amount of respect bestowed upon.
Attitudes that are argumentative, bearish, demanding, fastidious, finicky, fractious, fussy, grim, hard to please, impolite, intractable, irritable, oafish, obstreperous, perverse, picky, refractory, rigid, rude, tiresome, tough, troublesome, trying, unaccommodating, unamenable will no longer be tolerated.
We can assure you nothing artless, childish, credulous, guileless, immature , ingenuous like this is going to happen again.
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