Tuesday, January 13, 2009

109. The sacred number of the wounded, the desolation of the army.

Everyone's crying out with reasons to be heard, but none whom seemed to have one that is compelling enough. It’s a trouncing defeat, your ugly words owning up for the things you suffer, announcing to the whole world of your grief and your seemingly endless sorrow.

Anything could snap the thin line between the different sides of a person. A wrong word, a superior glare that could set off an entire round of needless bombard of written abuse. So much bitter hate, gutless rage, stormy fury, vengeful wrath, rancorous merciless utterances, tempestuous declarations, harsh ruthless meanings, too much to take it all in and expect it to all get better.

Here my fingers end to the spinning whir of the fan in my ears, and the sizzling death of the dancing flames, and no more should be spoken.

Nicole (:

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