Wednesday, March 4, 2009

158. I'm leaving you for the last time baby.

I watch you stare, your eyes reaching like a scalpel deep into me, cutting me wide open and leaving my blood to dry. I feel so drained, empty. I’m trying to push my thoughts away from myself, because from my betraying visage you can see it all.
I lick my lips, not letting my emotions get the better of me.

I’m not letting it get to me this time, not this time, and hopefully not ever again. Why can’t I tear my eyes away from you, or stop imagining your bronze skin against mine? Restless feelings bouncing back and forth in my bare mind, words that mean nothing other than letters stringed together, misfits of a puzzle.

I’m trying to believe myself when I tell you that I’m leaving you for the last time baby. For the thousandth time I swear, because now it seems as though it is more of a lie than it would ever be after a thousand more.

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